Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sean's Surprise Wedding March to Bill

Hello folks,

My groomsmen, Carlos José Gonzàlez, Larry Tolosa, Jesse Zapanta and groomsmaids, Peachy Saba Robson, Sara Jane Saba, Czarina Saba (backing vocals by Jules Inouye, Kortney Rubottom, and Jesse J. Tionko) and I sang our own version of "Wedding Bell Blues".
My Dad, along with my Mom, flew from the Philippines so that he could "give me away" and celebrate with us. Was extremely happy!

Since the cheers may have drowned out our singing in the videos, here is my studio recording, in case you want to hear/read our rewrite of the lyrics of the 5th Dimension's Wedding Bell Blues:


Carlos José Gonzàlez:
Bill, Sean loves you so, he always will.
He looks at you and sees the passion eyes of May. (eyes of May)
But now we're here, we're gonna see his wedding day. (wedding day)...

Larry Tolosa:
Sean was on your side Bill when you were loosin'. (when you were loosin')
He never schemed or lied Bill, there's been no foolin'. (there's been no foolin')
But kisses and love won't carry him till you marry him Bill...

Jesse Zapanta:
Sean loves you so, he always will.
And in your voice he hears a choir of carousels. (carousels)
But now we're here, we're gonna hear his wedding bells. (wedding bells)...

Seán Saba: I was the one who came runnin' when you were lonely. (when you were lonely)
I haven't lived one day not lovin' you only. (lovin' you only)
Now kisses and love will carry me, I'm finally marrying you Bill!...

Sean loves you so, he always will.
And though devotion rules his heart he takes no bows. (takes no bows)
Now Bill you're finally gonna take your wedding vows. (wedding vows)...

So come on Bill! (come on Bill)
So come on Bill! (come on Bill)
You're gonna marry him, Bill!
No more wedding bell blues...
You're gonna marry Sean, Bill!
No more wedding bell bluuuuues...
No more wedding bell blues
Yeah yeah....marry him, Bill!
No more wedding bell bluuuuuues (fade)...

Below are some videos taken from some friends' phones:

From Catie Westling's phone:
From Nelson Lee's phone:
From Nancee Buchanan's phone: